About Charlotte Matthews
Charlotte Matthews, LL.M. (Humboldt University), LL.M. (King’s College London) acts as counsel in arbitration and state court proceedings, as arbitrator, and secretary to arbitral tribunals. The focus of her practice is international commercial and infrastructure disputes as well as investor-State disputes.
Charlotte studied at King’s College (London), Humboldt University (Berlin) and University Paris II Panthéon-Assas (Paris). Prior to joining HANEFELD, Charlotte trained at various reputable law firms in Paris, Berlin and Brussels.
Charlotte’s working languages are English, French and German.
Areas of practice
Representation of domestic and foreign companies in domestic and international arbitration proceedings
Arbitrator in international arbitration proceedings
Secretary to the arbitral tribunal in domestic and international arbitration proceedings
Representation of domestic and foreign companies in state court proceedings before French Courts
Languages and nationality
- English
- French
- German
- French
- American
Curriculum vitae
Since 2021
Attorney with HANEFELD, Paris
2019 - 2020
Legal training in the dispute resolution practices of Hengeler Mueller in Berlin, Ashurst LLP in Paris and Bredin Prat in Paris
Internship in the international trade and competition law practice of Gide Loyrette Nouel in Brussels
Internship at the Directorate General for Competition of the European Commission
2016 - 2017
Master of Laws (LL.M.), King’s College London
2015 - 2016
Master of Laws (LL.M.), Humboldt University in Berlin
Internship at the Missoula County Justice Court, Missoula, United States
Internship in the dispute resolution practice of Alérion, Paris
2012 - 2017
Licence and Master of Law at University Paris II Panthéon-Assas
Arbitration and ADR World Tour
9th ICC YAAF Global Conference
New York, USA -
Seminar on Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards
International Arbitration Bootcamp, University of Florence
Florence, Italy -
Seminar on Investment Arbitration
Ecole d’été de droit international, Nanterre University
Paris, France -
Should we challenge standard practices in international arbitration?
Latham & Watkins and Sciences Po, Paris Arbitration Week
Paris, France
Investment Arbitration Update
Baltic Arbitration Days
Riga, Latvia
Careers in arbitration
Solidarity Arbitration and Mediation Days
Warsaw, Poland
- ICC Young Arbitration and ADR Forum (YAAF) Representative for Europe and Central Asia 2024-2026 Mandate
- Global Steering Committee Member of the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations – Co-Chair of the Outreach & Events Task Force
- CFA40
- ASA below 40
- DIS 40
- Delos-Y
- Young ICCA
- Young ITA
- Young ICSID
- Association des Juristes Français et Allemands