About Christian Johannes Wahnschaffe
Johannes acts as counsel in a variety of litigation and arbitration matters and as tribunal secretary.
Johannes studied at the University of Muenster and holds a doctorate of law with in the field of institutional arbitration. He completed his legal traineeship working inter alia at HANEFELD, the Permanent Court of Arbitration and the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce.
He previously worked at the University of Muenster as Director of the Karina and Erich Schumann Centre for Advanced International Legal Studies and as a research assistant at the Institute of International Business Law there. He coached the Muenster team for the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot for several years and acts as Vice President of the Moot Alumni Association.
Johannes' working languages are German and English.
Areas of practice
Representation of domestic and foreign companies in domestic and international arbitration proceedings
Secretary to the arbitral tribunal in domestic and international arbitration proceedings
Representation of domestic and foreign companies before German courts
Languages and nationality
- German
- English
- German
Curriculum vitae
Since 2024
Attorney with HANEFELD, Hamburg
The Hague Academy of International Law (Certificate in Public International Law)
Legal traineeship at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court of Hamburg with stations at HANEFELD, the Permanent Court of Arbitration in Vienna and the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, among others.
Doctor of Laws (Dr. iur.) at the University of Muenster
Law studies at the University of Muenster
CISG & Digitalization: Harmonizing International Sales in the Technological Era
XXI. Generations in Arbitration Conference & XV. Peter Schlechtriem CISG Conference (Moderation)
Vienna, Austria
Prospects and Pitfalls of Protecting Intellectual Property via Investor-State Dispute Settlement
Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial
Webinar, Brasil
Mostly sunny – or rather cloudy? Some Thoughts on the Relation between Investor-State Dispute Settlement and the Environment
Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Webinar, Virtual event -
Der international Warenkauf in Zeiten der Pandemie
Fachhochschule Westküste
Webinar, Virtual event
Das Rechtsverhältnis zwischen Schiedsorganisation und Schiedspartei. Rechtsgrundlagen, Verfahrensgarantien und Konfliktfälle
EuGH: Ad hoc-Schiedsvereinbarung zwischen Mitgliedstaat und Investor eines anderen Mitgliedstaates unionsrechtswidrig
IWRZ 2022, 38-39 (Entscheidungsanmerkung) -
Lights Out for the Energy Charter Treaty? The ECJ’s Next Blow to Intra-EU Treaty Arbitration
American Review of International Arbitration Blog (co-author with Dr. E. Rensmann)
Von Impfstoffen und Einheitsrecht: Zur verkannten Rolle des UN-Kaufrechts im Rechtsstreit der Europäischen Union mit AstraZeneca
EuZW 2021, 877-883 (co-author with Prof Dr. A. Janssen) -
De impact van de COVID 19-pandemie op internationale koopovereenkomsten
Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie 2021, 100-107 (co-author with Prof. Dr. A. Janssen)
COVID-19 and international sales contracts: unprecedent grounds for exemeption or business as usual?
Uniform Law Review 2020, 466-495 (co-author with Prof. Dr. A. Janssen) -
The Impact of COVID-19 in German Contract Law
Opinio Juris in Comparatione, Special Issue 2020, 113-122 -
Die virtuelle Verhandlung im Schiedsverfahren
SchiedsVZ 2020, 257-265 (co-author with Dr. N. Gielen) -
Der internationale Warenkauf in Zeiten der Pandemie
EuZW 2020, 410-416 (co-author with Prof. Dr. A. Janssen) -
For Whom the Bell Tolls. Any Hope Left for Investment Arbitration After Achmea?
Lei Chen/André Janssen (eds.), Dispute Resolution in China, Europe and World, 263-292 (co-author with Prof. Dr. A. Janssen)
Year One After Achmea: A Review of the State of Play in Investment Arbitration in 2019
International Arbitration Law Review 2019, 117-143 (co-author with Prof. Dr. A. Janssen)
- DIS40
- Moot Alumni Association
- Young ICCA
- Young ITA