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Upcoming Litigation Stammtisch

Join us for the next Litigation Stammtisch! Lawyers and judges only meet in the court room? Not in Hamburg.

We very much look forward to the upcoming Litigation Stammtisch where lawyers and judges alike will be cordially invited to ask their burning questions, share observations and make suggestions on how to improve litigation practices.

The event will take place at the offices of Taylor Wessing in Hamburg (Hanseatic Trade Center, Am Sandtorkai 41, 20457 Hamburg) on Tuesday, 15 November 2022, at 19:00 CET and will feature Dina Dörffler, Presiding Judge at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court, and Donata Freiin von Enzberg, Partner at Taylor Wessing.

Please register for the event by 9 November 2022 (E: (email: text: You are welcome to send us your questions in advance.

We look forward to an exciting evening!

HANEFELD Rechtsanwälte