About Jörn Hombeck
Jörn Hombeck primarily acts as counsel in state court and arbitration proceedings. He focusses in particular on antitrust damages and complex construction matters. Jörn represents clients before all German regional courts and higher regional courts. In light of his broad expertise, Jörn also often works as co-counsel (Litigation and German law) in cooperation with other leading law firms.
In addition, Jörn has vast experience in DAB proceedings (Dispute Adjudication Boards) – principally in the renewable energy sector. He also frequently acts as arbitrator in domestic and international arbitrations.
Jörn’s professional focus is in renewable energy disputes (in particular offshore wind farms), antitrust damages, post-M&A, corporate, construction and real estate matters.
Jörn earned a Master of Laws (LL.M.) at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Before joining HANEFELD, he worked at a leading international law firm in Hamburg in its real estate and corporate departments. He frequently speaks at domestic and international events, inter alia, in collaboration with the GIZ.
He is fluent in German and English.
Areas of practice
Representation of domestic and foreign companies in state court proceedings before German Courts (focus: antitrust damages, construction, transaction disputes, supply agreements, corporate law)
Representation of domestic and foreign companies in domestic and international arbitration proceedings and DAB proceedings
Joint representation of domestic and foreign companies as “German-Law Co-Counsel" and/or as “Litigation Co-Counsel" together with other leading law firms
- Presiding arbitrator, sole arbitrator and co-arbitrator in domestic and international arbitration proceedings (ICC, DIS, CEAC, Hamburger freundschaftliche Arbitrage, ad hoc)
- Adjudicator in a standing dispute adjudication board
- Conciliator under the rules of the Beijing-Hamburg Conciliation Centre Hamburg
Languages and nationality
- German
- English
- German
Curriculum vitae
Since 2013
Attorney with HANEFELD, Hamburg
Attorney with Hogan Lovells International LLP, Hamburg (Real Estate Department)
2010 - 2012
Legal traineeship (Referendariat) in Hamburg including work experience with Gleis Lutz in Hamburg (Corporate Litigation Department), Hogan Lovells International LLP in Hamburg (Real Estate Department) and the German Embassy in Oslo
2010 - 2011
Legal assistant with Hogan Lovells International LLP, Hamburg (Corporate Department)
2009 - 2010
Master of Laws in Economy Law (LL.M.) including international arbitration and sports law, University of Auckland, New Zealand
2004 - 2009
Studies of Law at the University of Bonn
Arbitration and cross-border insolvencies
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Insolvenzrecht & Sanierung
Commodity Arbitration
Kuwait Arbitration School
Kuwait University, Kuwait -
Applying the CISG in international arbitration: a straightforward exercise?
Panel, ICC YAF/YAAP Conference
Vienna, Austria
Challenge and dismissal of arbitrators – useful or useless?
DIS40 regional group
Zurich, Switzerland -
ADR in the Construction & Operation of Offshore Wind Parks
Center for International Dispute Resolution
Hamburg -
Virtual Hearings in Arbitration: Recent Experiences
Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce
Arbitration in light of the COVID-19 pandemic – current challenges and future opportunities
ASA below 40 Webinar -
Introduction to International Arbitration
Training on Alternative Dispute Resolution
Accra, Ghana
International Arbitration
Summer University of the German Bar Association
Tunis, Tunisia
Crash course on the legal instruments of the European Union and their impact on international dispute resolution
Berlin -
Expedited arbitration – what are the experiences so far?
International Arbitration Seminar
Copenhagen, Denmark -
Q&A with arbitration expert – tips and tricks
Norddeutscher Schiedsgerichtstag
Hamburg -
Procedural specifics in antitrust damages litigation
Dispute Resolution Forum North
Hamburg -
Introduction to Sports Arbitration
Hamburg Arbitration School
Powers, duties and jurisdiction of arbitrators
ABAS Event - AIA Brussels Arbitration School
Brussels, Belgium -
The impact of energy revolution in Germany on electricity supply contracts
ICC YAF event
The arbitrator’s competence
ABAS event at AIA Brussels Arbitration School
Brussels, Belgium -
Tribunal Assisted Settlements in International Arbitration - Parties' Expectations and the Role of the Tribunal
ICC YAF event
Zurich, Switzerland -
Creating a legal basis for anti-suit injunctions as enforceable decisions of an arbitral tribunal?
DIS40 regional group north
Current developments in sports arbitration in Germany
DIS40 regional group north
Hamburg -
German Law as an alternative in international contracts
ICC Austria seminar
Dornbirn, Austria -
Introduction to International Arbitration
Bucerius Law School
Sanctioned in civil and arbitration proceedings: Implications and challenges for the participation of sanctioned persons (in German)
Beck Online, ZASA 2024, 475 (co-author with Dr. C. Wolters und Dr. T. Ackermann)
Dispute resolution by Dispute Adjudication Boards - practical advice on the structuring and conduct of proceedings (in German)
BauR 2020, pp. 1385 et seq. -
Arbitration and insolvency proceedings – an overview on particularly practice-relevant topics in the wake of the current coronavirus pandemic (in German)
NZI 2020, pp. 449 et seq. -
Enforcing ICSID awards in Germany
Lexis PSL Practice Notes
Arbitrators are also good for transactions (in German)
Immobilienzeitung 39-40/2017
International Arbitration between standardization and flexibility - Predictability and flexibility seen from a client’s perspective
SchiedsVZ 2015, pp. 20 et seq. -
State immunity in proceedings for the enforcement of ICSID awards
Lexis PSL Practice Notes -
Enforcing ICSID awards in Germany
Practice Note for LexisPSL (co-author with Dr. F. Rosenfeld und A. Möckesch) -
Enforcement of international arbitral awards in Germany
Practice Note for LexisPSL
Alternative Dispute Resolution with regard to (Off-Shore) Wind Farms (in German)
EnWZ 2014, pp. 537 et seq.
- German Arbitration Institute (DIS/DIS40)
Former Regional Coordinator German Arbitration Institute (DIS40 North)
2017 - 2019 - Competition Litigation Forum (C-L-F)
- ICC Young Arbitrators Forum (YAF)
- LCIA Young International Arbitration Group (YIAG)
- Groupe ASA des Jeunes Praticiens de l'Arbitrage (ASA Below 40)
- Young Austrian Arbitration Practitioners (YAAP)