About Nico Gielen
Dr. Nico Gielen acts as counsel in a variety of litigation and arbitration matters and as tribunal secretary.
Nico studied at the University of Muenster and holds a doctorate of law in the fields of institutional arbitration and media law. He completed his traineeship working at the Federal Constitutional Court, the Federal Ministry of Justice and the Litigation & Arbitration practice group at Baker McKenzie.
Before joining Hanefeld, Nico worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Information, Communication and Media Law and the Institute for International Commercial Law at the University of Muenster. He also coached the Muenster team for the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot.
Nico’s working languages are German and English.
Areas of practice
Representation of domestic and foreign companies in domestic and international arbitration proceedings
Secretary to the arbitral tribunal in domestic and international arbitration proceedings
Representation of domestic and foreign companies before German courts
Languages and nationality
- German
- English
- German
Curriculum vitae
Since 2024
Attorney with HANEFELD, Hamburg
Legal traineeship at the Federal Constitutional Court (First Senate), the Federal Ministry of Justice (Department for Telecommunication and Media Law) and the Arbitration & Litigation practice group at Baker McKenzie
Doctor of Laws (Dr. iur.) at the University of Muenster
Law studies at the University of Muenster
Special training in the fields of Intellectual Property, and Information, Telecommunication and Media Law
Vorbehaltlose Zahlung schließt Aufhebung des Schiedsspruchs aus, Anmerkung zu BGH, Beschluss vom 26.10.2023 – I ZB 14/23
SchiedsVZ 2024, 254 -
Aufwind für den Schiedsstandort Deutschland
NJW-aktuell 34, 15 (co-author with Dr. N. Grohmann)
Die Gründung einer Schiedsinstitution – Eine Analyse am Beispiel des Deutschen Medienschiedsgerichts
Urheberrecht: Vereinbarkeit von Uploadfilter und Meinungsfreiheit, Case Note on ECJ, Judgement of 26 April 2022, C-401/19
EuZW 2022, 458
Digital Markets Act und Digital Services Act, Regulierung von Markt- und Meinungsmacht durch die Europäische Union
EuZW 2021, 627 (co-author with Dr. S. Uphues)
Die virtuelle Verhandlung im Schiedsverfahren
SchiedsVZ 2020, 257 (co-author with Dr. C. J. Wahnschaffe) -
Im Zweifel gegen die Meinungsfreiheit, Eine Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen das Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz
Guggenberger (ed.), NetzDG, LIT -
Der Kampf gegen das kulturelle Vergessen, Eine kritische Betrachtung der Art. 8-11 DSM-RL zu vergriffenen Werken
IWRZ 2020, 3 (co-author with Dr. M. Tiessen) -
Keine digitale Erschöpfung: UsedSoft-Urteil nach EuGH nicht auf E-Books übertragbar, Case Note on ECJ, Judgement of 19 December 2019, C-263/18
IWZR 2020, 74
Die neue Plattformhaftung nach der Richtlinie über das Urheberrecht im digitalen Binnenmarkt
EuZW 2019, 639 (co-author with Dr. M. Tiessen)
- DIS40
- WIPO ADR Young
- ICDR Young & International Associate
- Young ICCA
- Young ITA
- Moot Alumni Association (MAA)