Über Friedrich Rosenfeld
Friedrich Rosenfeld ist als Parteivertreter und als Schiedsrichter tätig. Er hat Unternehmen und Staaten in einer Vielzahl von Schiedsverfahren in den Branchen Baurecht (FIDIC Vertragsrecht), Post-M&A, internationaler Handel und Investitionsschutz vertreten. Darüber hinaus hat er Erfahrung als Schiedsrichter in Schiedsverfahren nach verschiedenen Rechtsordnungen (u.a. Deutschland, Dänemark, Frankreich, England, Griechenland, Israel, Nordmazedonien, Österreich, Schweiz, USA). Seine Expertise in Schiedsverfahren ist international anerkannt.
Neben seiner Vollzeittätigkeit als Anwalt ist Friedrich Rosenfeld Global Adjunct Professor an der NYU (Campus Paris), Lehrbeauftragter an der Bucerius Law School in Hamburg sowie Honorary Professor an der International Hellenic University in Thessaloniki. Er hat sechs Bücher und verschiedene Aufsätze zum Schiedsrecht veröffentlicht.
Friedrich Rosenfeld studierte an der Bucerius Law School in Hamburg und an der Columbia Law School in New York. Vor seiner Tätigkeit bei HANEFELD war er als Consultant für die United Nations Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trials in Kambodscha tätig. Er spricht Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch und Spanisch.
- Eilschiedsrichter, Einzelschiedsrichter, Mitschiedsrichter und Vorsitzender in nationalen und internationalen Schiedsverfahren (ICC, ICDR, VIAC, DIS, DIA, ad hoc, Hamburg Rules)
- Schiedsorte: Deutschland, Schweiz, Dänemark, USA, Österreich, Israel, Griechenland, Frankreich
- Anwendbares Recht: Deutsch, Dänisch, Griechisch, Englisch, Österreichisch, Israelisch, Nordmazedonisch
- Vertretung deutscher und ausländischer Unternehmen in nationalen und internationalen Schiedsverfahren
- Schiedsorte: Deutschland, Niederlande, Japan, Frankreich, Schweiz, Türkei, Israel, Tunesien
- Anwendbares Recht: Deutsch, Katarisch, Türkisch, Niederländisch, Japanisch, Israelisch, Tunesisch, internationales Recht
- Parteibenannter Gutachter zu Fragen des Völkerrechts und des deutschen Rechts
- Experte und Consultant für verschiedene Internationale Organisationen
Sprachen und Nationalität
- Deutsch
- Englisch
- Französisch
- Spanisch
- Deutsch
Curriculum vitae
Seit 2011
Rechtsanwalt bei HANEFELD, Hamburg
Consultant bei der United Nations Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trials (UNAKRT), Phnom Penh
2008 - 2010
Referendariat in Hamburg mit Auslandsstationen beim UN-Straftribunal für Rwanda in Arusha, beim UN-Straftribunal für das ehemalige Jugoslawien in Den Haag sowie bei K&L Gates LLP in Paris
2007 - 2010
Wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Lehrstuhl von Prof. Dr. Dr. Rainer Hofmann, Johann Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt a.M.
2007 - 2009
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter bei Hogan Lovells LLP, Hamburg
Promotion zum Dr. iur. (summa cum laude), Johann Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt a.M.
2002 - 2007
Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Bucerius Law School in Hamburg und der Columbia Law School in New York (Stipendium der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes)
Praktikum bei der IOM in Genf, Bereich Claims Programmes
Praktikum bei der Deutschen Botschaft in Lima, Peru
Deference at the Enforcement Stage to Prior Court Determinations affirming an Arbitral Award
Paris, Frankreich -
Recognizing and Enforcing Foreign Arbitral Awards under the New York Convention
George Mason University
Washington D.C., USA -
What Makes the German Arbitration Law Exceptional?
New York University
New York, USA -
Soft Law in International Commercial Arbitration
Wien, Österreich -
The Future of Investment Protection in India
Indian Institute of Arbitration & Mediation
Neu Delhi, Indien -
Seminar on Investment Arbitration
Indian Institute of Arbitration & Mediation
Neu Delhi, Indien
Seminario de Arbitraje Internacional
Santiago de Chile, Chile -
Exceptionalism in Arbitration
Sciences Po
Paris, Frankreich -
The Normative Framework on International Commercial Arbitration
Bucerius Law School
Hamburg -
Due Process as a Limit to Discretion
Copenhagen Arbitration Day
Kopenhagen, Dänemark -
Delay Claims in Construction Arbitrations
Berlin Dispute Resolution Week
Berlin -
Challenging an Arbitral Award based on the Tribunal’s Treatment of the Evidence
Bangalore, Indien -
Deference in International Commercial Arbitration
New York University
New York, USA -
The New York Convention as an Instrument of Uniform Law
Nova Law School
Lissabon, Portugal -
The New York Convention as an Instrument of Uniform Law
Asia Pacific Centre for Arbitration & Mediation -
Les Stratégies pour Construire une Carrière dans L’Arbitrage International
Académie Africaine de Pratique du Droit International
Paris, Frankreich
What makes a Jurisdiction Arbitration Friendly?
CAM Seminar
Mailand, Italien -
The New York Convention as an Instrument of Uniform Law
George Mason University
Washington D.C., USA -
The New York Convention
Kuwait University
Kuwait -
Practical Matters on the Production of Evidence
NYU Columbia Conference
New York, USA -
The Interplay between Common Law and Civil Law in Arbitration
Bangkok, Thailand -
Due Process in Arbitration
AIA CAM Seminar
Mailand, Italien -
Evidentiary Matters at the Post-Award Stage
DIA NYU Seminar
Kopenhagen, Dänemark -
Reform Options for Dispute Resolution under Investment Treaties
Algiers, Algerien -
Deference in International Commercial Arbitration
Paris, Frankreich -
The Normative Framework on Evidence
Wien, Österreich -
The Shared Control over Arbitral Awards
Columbia University
New York, USA -
The New York Convention as an Instrument of International Law
National University of Singapore
Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration
THAC Seminar
Bangkok, Thailand -
Careers and Opportunities in International Arbitration
New York International Arbitration Week
New York, USA -
Jura Novit Arbiter
Meeting of the American Society of Comparative Law
Wisconsin, USA -
Autonomous versus Domestic Standards under the New York Convention
National University of Singapore
Singapur -
A Global Perspective on Due Process in International Commercial Arbitration
NYU Danish Institute of Arbitration
Kopenhagen, Dänemark -
Autonomous versus Domestic Standards under the New York Convention
Oslo University Webinar
Oslo, Norwegen
A Global Perspective on Due Process in International Commercial Arbitration
NYU DIAC Webinar
Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate -
Due Process as a Limit to Discretion
NYU Russian Arbitration Center Webinar
Moskau, Russland -
Due Process in International Commercial Arbitration
NYU FGV Webinar
Sao Paulo, Brasilien -
The Law Applicable to the Merits
SIAC Webinar
N.N., Virtual event -
Arbitration in a Contactless Society
AIAC Webinar
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia -
The IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence
New York University
New York, USA -
CISG in International Arbitration
New York University
New York, USA
Case Management Tools for Saving Costs and Time under the DIS Rules
Thessaloniki, Griechenland -
Due Process in International Commercial Arbitration
New York University
New York, USA -
Arbitration of M&A Disputes
14th International M&A Conference
Versailles, Frankreich -
The Proposal for a Multilateral Investment Court
Sciences Po
Paris, Frankreich -
THAC NYU Arbitration Class
Thai Arbitration Center
Bangkok, Thailand -
Inherent Powers of Arbitrators
KCAB NYU Seminar on Inherent Powers of Arbitrators
Seoul, Südkorea -
The Shared System of Control of Arbitral Awards
Lyon Conference
Lyon, Frankreich -
Inherent Powers of Arbitrators to Reconsider and Revise their Decisions
Belgrade Arbitration Conference
Belgrad, Serbien -
International vs. Domestic Standards in Arbitration
National University of Singapore
Singapur -
Arbitral Awards - What they are and what they are not
New York University
New York, USA
ISDS: Taking Stock of Criticism and Proposals for Reform
Sciences Po
Paris, Frankreich -
Conflict of Laws
Conflict of Laws
Hamburg -
Limits to Party Autonomy in International Commercial Arbitration
Istanbul, Türkei -
Hamburg Arbitration School
Hamburg Arbitration School
Hamburg -
THAC NYU Arbitration Class
Thai Arbitration Center
Bangkok, Thailand -
Conference on Conflicts of Law in International Arbitration
The Law Applicable to Legal Privilege in International Arbitration
Wien, Österreich -
The Hardening of Soft Law in International Arbitration
National University of Singapore
Inherent Powers of International Adjudicators to Reconsider and Revise their Decisions
Sciences Po
Paris, Frankreich -
The Protection of Weak Parties in International Commercial Arbitration
Arbitration Santo Domingo Conference
Santo Domingo, Dominikanische Republik -
Diverging Approaches towards the Set-Aside of Arbitral Awards
3rd International Arbitration Congress
Istanbul, Türkei -
International Commercial Arbitration / Challenges of Arbitrators / Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards
Seminar of NYU and the Thai Arbitration Centre
Bangkok, Thailand -
Weak Parties in International Arbitration
Conference on the Launch of the Cambridge Compendium on International Arbitration
Wien, Österreich -
Rule of Law and Arbitration
ILA Committee Meeting
Wien, Österreich
Choice of Law Approaches in International Arbitration
Expert Workshop
Tilburg, Niederlande -
The Backlash against Investment Protection
Walther Schücking Institute
Kiel -
The Rome Regulations in International Arbitration
Conference on the Impact of EU Law on International Commercial Arbitration
New York, USA -
Changing Paradigms of Investment Protection – TTIP and Beyond
12th International M&A Conference
Mailand, Italien -
Seminar on International Arbitration
Hanoi Law University
Hanoi, Vietnam -
Recent Developments in Energy Investment Arbitration
AIJA Congress
München -
Procedural Challenges in International Arbitration
Procedural Challenges in International Arbitration
Vicenza, Italien -
Modernising International Investment Agreements and Investor-State Dispute Settlement Mechanisms
OECD Capacity Building Workshop
Jordanien -
Recent Challenges of Investment Arbitration
Lions Club
Hamburg -
The Investment Chapter of TTIP
America Center
Introduction to Investment Arbitration
Hamburg Arbitration School
Hamburg -
The Proposal for a New Investment Court
Expert Workshop
Tilburg, Niederlande -
The Future of Arbitration under TTIP
Fall conference of DSJV
Berlin -
Limits to Party Autonomy to Protect Weak Parties in International Commercial Arbitration
New York University
New York, USA -
Early Dismissal of Claims in Investment Arbitration
Tübingen -
The Distinction between Admissibility and Jurisdiction in International Arbitration
IX International Seminar on Private International Law
Madrid, Spanien -
How to Win an Arbitration on Weak Points
Generations in Arbitration Conference
Wien, Österreich -
Security for Costs in International Arbitration
Belgrade Arbitration Conference
Belgrad, Serbien
The Use of Investment Arbitration to Overcome Compliance Deficits with the New York Convention
Mexico City, Mexiko -
Convergence and Divergence of Investment and International Commercial Arbitration Conference
Violating the New York Convention as Grounds for Claims under BITs
Santo Domingo, Dominikanische Republik -
Bridging the Gap between Commercial and Investment Arbitration at the Enforcement Stage
NYU Global Fellows Forum
New York, USA -
The State of the International Law on Reparations
International Criminal Court
Den Haag, Niederlande -
Recent Developments in Investment Protection
DIS40 North event
Hamburg -
Possible Paradigmatic Changes in the Settlement of International Investment Disputes
Joint ASIL/ILA Meeting
Washington D.C., USA
Interplay of Public and Private Paradigms in International Investment Arbitration
DIS40 North event
Frankfurt am Main -
Abstract Interpretations in Investment Law
International Law Association Conference
Athen, Griechenland -
Dispute Resolution in International Financial Transactions
Global Law Week
New York, USA -
Development of Procedural Forms and Methods of Dispute Resolution
Yekaterinburg , Russland -
Investment Arbitration
European Lawyers Forum
New York, USA
Seminar on Arbitration
Yerevan, Armenien
Arbitrage Commercial International
Pedone, (Koautor mit F. Ferrari und C. Kleiner) -
Arbitraje Comercial Internacional
Marcial Pons, (Koautor mit F. Ferrari, J. Fellas und J. C. Riveira) -
The Independence and Impartiality of Adjudicators in Commercial Institutional Arbitration
Cordero-Moss (Hrsg.), Independence and Impartiality of International Adjudicators, Intersentia, 133 – 155, (Koautor mit F. Ferrari) -
Reconhecimento e Execução de Sentenças Arbitrais Estrangeiras: Um Guia Conciso do Regime Uniforme da Convenção de Nova York
Quartier Latin, (Koautor mit F. Ferrari und M. França Gouveia -
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards - A Concise Guide to the New York Convention’s Uniform Regime
Elgar, (Koautor mit F. Ferrari und C. Kotuby) -
Deference in International Commercial Arbitration
Kluwer, (Mitherausgeber mit F. Ferrari) -
Limitations to Party Autonomy in International Commercial Arbitration
Bjorklund / Kröll / Ferrari (Hrsg.), The Cambridge Compendium on International Arbitration, Cambridge, 47 - 80 (Koautor mit F. Ferrari) -
Applicable Law in Commercial Arbitration
Bjorklund / Kröll / Ferrari (Hrsg.), The Cambridge Compendium on International Arbitration, Cambridge, 482 - 511 (Koautor mit F. Ferrari) -
Weak Parties in International Commercial Arbitration
Bjorklund / Kröll / Ferrari (Hrsg.), The Cambridge Compendium on International Arbitration, Cambridge, 1753 – 1771 (Koautor mit F. Ferrari)
Arbitragem Commercial Internacional – Uma Introdução Comparada
Quartier Latin (Koautor mit F. Ferrari, J. Fellas und R. Alves) -
The Handbook of Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration
Kluwer, (Mitherausgeber mit F. Ferrari)
Autonomous versus Domestic Concepts in the New York Convention
Kluwer, (Mitherausgeber mit F. Ferrari) -
A Comparative Introduction to International Commercial Arbitration
Elgar, (Koautor mit F. Ferrari)
Due Process as a Limit to Discretion in International Commercial Arbitration
Kluwer, (Mitherausgeber und Koautor mit D. Czernich und F. Ferrari) -
International Commercial Arbitration: A Comparative Introduction
Elgar, (Koautor mit F. Ferrari)
Chapters on Expropriation, Fair and Equitable Treatment, State Responsibility & Compensation, Consent to Arbitrate and the Future of Investment Arbitration
Ferrari / King / Rosenfeld (Hrsg.), Nutshell on Investment Arbitration, West Academic -
The Law Applicable to Legal Privilege in International Arbitration
Ferrari / Kröll (Hrsg.), Conflicts of Laws in International Arbitration, 213 – 238, Juris -
The Hardening of Soft Law in International Arbitration
7 No. 2 European Review of International Arbitration, 19 – 36, Juris
Inherent Powers of Arbitrators
Juris, (Mitherausgeber mit F. Ferrari) -
Inherent Powers of International Adjudicators to Reconsider and Revise their Decisions
6 No. 2 European Review of International Arbitration, 127 – 147, Juris
Límites a la Autonomía de las Partes en Arbitraje Internacional
X Revista de Arbitraje Comercial y de Inversiones, 335 – 386 (Koautor mit F. Ferrari) -
Iura Novit Curia in International Law
6 No. 1 European Review of International Arbitration, 131 – 160, Juris -
The Rome Regulations in International Arbitration – The Road Not Taken
Ferrari (Hrsg.), The Impact of EU Law on International Commercial Arbitration, 245 – 283, Juris
Arbitral Praeliminaria – Reflections on the Distinction between Jurisdiction and Admissibility after BG v. Argentina
29 No. 1 Leiden Journal of International Law, 137 – 153, Cambridge University Press -
Yukos revisited – A Case Comment on the Set-aside Decision in Yukos Universal Limited (Isle of Man) et al. v. Russia
IPrax, 478 – 483 (Koautor mit F. Ferrari) -
Security for Costs in ICSID Arbitration – A Case Note on RSM v. St. Lucia
Arbitration International 1 – 10, Oxford University Press -
Limits to Party Autonomy to Protect Weak Parties in International Commercial Arbitration
Ferrari (Hrsg.), Limits to Party Autonomy in International Commercial Arbitration, 417 – 438, Juris -
Regime Interactions between the New York Convention and International Investment Law – On Bridging the Gap between Commercial and Investment Arbitration at the Enforcement Stage
12 No. 2 NYU Journal of Law & Business, 295 – 317 (Koautor mit F. Ferrari) -
Early Dismissal of Claims in Investment Arbitration
Kulick (Hrsg.), Contracting Parties’ Re-assertion of Control over International Investment Agreements and International Investment Treaty Arbitration, Cambridge University Press, 83 – 102 -
Abstract Interpretations in International Investment Law
Pazartzis / Gavouneli (Hrsg.), Reconceptualising the Rule of Law in Global Governance, Resources, Investment and Trade, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 331 – 343 -
Chapter 10: Germany
Jørgensen (Hrsg.), Finding, Freezing and Attaching Assets – A Multi- Jurisdictional Handbook, Kluwer, 127 – 140 (Koautor mit H. Nedden)
The Trend from Standards to Rules in International Investment Law and its Impact upon the Interpretive Powers of Arbitral Tribunals
108 American Society of International Law, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, 191 – 193
Mass Claims in International Law
Journal of International Dispute Settlement, 159 – 174, Oxford University Press -
The New UNCITRAL Transparency Rules: How the Trend towards Transparency differs in Investment and Commercial Arbitration
Müller / Rigozzi (Hrsg.), New Developments in International Commercial Arbitration 2013 (Koautor mit H. Nedden)
The Systemic Integration of International Investment Treaties and the New York Convention
NYU Transnational Notes -
Individual Civil Responsibility for the Crime of Aggression
10 No. 1 Journal for International Criminal Justice, 249 – 265, Oxford University Press
Collective Reparation for Victims of Armed Conflict
92 No. 879 ICRC Review, 731 – 746, Cambridge University Press
Die Humanitäre Besatzung – ein Dilemma des Ius Post bellum (The Humanitarian Occupation – A Dilemma of the Ius Post Bellum)
Nomos Publishers
Honorary Professor für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit, International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki
Seit 2023 -
Visiting Associate Professor, National University of Singapore
Frühjahr 2023 -
Scholar-in-Residence, NYU School of Law
Herbst 2022 -
Visiting Professor für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit, International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki
2013-2023 -
Global Professor of Law from Practice, NYU School of Law
Frühjahr 2020 -
Global Adjunct Professor of Law, NYU School of Law in Paris
Seit 2016 -
Lehrbeauftragter für Internationales Investitionsschutzrecht, Bucerius Law School
Seit 2014 -
Lehrbeauftragter für Internationales Investitionsschutzrecht, Universität Hamburg
2013 - 2014 -
Global Hauser Fellow from Practice and Government, NYU School of Law
- Asia International Arbitration Centre, List of Arbitrators
- Bucerius Center for International Dispute Resolution (Member)
- CEPANI, Panel of Arbitrators
- Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC), List of Arbitrators
- European Organization for Mediation and Arbitration (EODID), List of Arbitrators
- German Arbitration Institute (DIS)
- Hamburg Arbitration Circle
- ICDR, Panel of Arbitrators
- International Law Association, Alternate Member of the Committee on Rule of Law and International Investment Law (since 2015)
- Korea Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB), Panel of International Arbitrators
- Netherlands Institute of Arbitration (NAI), Panel of Arbitrators
- Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC), Reserve Panel of Arbitrators
- Thailand Arbitration Center (THAC), Panel of Arbitrators
- Thailand Arbitration Center (THAC), Member of the Arbitrator Committee
- Vienna International Arbitration Centre (VIAC), List of Arbitrators